DC Love
Author: mikejsiegel
The latest project I have been working on has officially launched: EatByTweet.com.
EatByTweet is a real-time restaurant information source. Utilizing Twitter, EatByTweet aggregates restaurant tweets and specials from eateries throughout the country. Nick Riotto of 829 Studios designed the site while Artin Petrossian and I did the development. We used PHP, CSS, Javascript and the framework CodeIgniter to build the site.
I hope that EatByTweet can be a go-to location for Foodies looking for specials and for Deal-seekers looking for free and discounted food. I have been using the site to find happy hours and where my favorite food trucks are in DC.
bookmark_borderCostToDrive Re/Max Widget
I am happy to announce that the CostToDrive Re/Max widget is live! For the past couple of months I have been working with Jim Kovarik, founder of CostToGo, on a cost to drive calculator at CostToDrive.com. When Jim was approached by Re/Max, the international real estate company, to build a widget I was tasked with the product management and development.
The widget provides potential home buyers the ability to calculate the cost of their commute to work from their potential new home.
Thanks go to Wes Schauble for the design and Artin Petrossian for the CSS layout.
bookmark_borderHello World
Welcome to my blog. I intend to use this blog to discuss my tech projects. I will share my latest achievements, failures, lessons learned, ideas and general status updates on my path to world domination via software.